Host a Screening
Listen to our stories, Share our values,
Discover a truly Asian experience.
Purchase your screening license
For Schools & NPOs US$50.00 (+$8 administration)
Ideal for all schools, educational institutes, & NPOs
This screening license is for schools & NPOs who wish to organise screenings for educational purpose. The applicant must be a member of the school or NPO, and the audience must be mainly consist of members of the school or NPO. There is no limit to the maximum number of audience for each screening.
For up to 200 people US$180.00 (+$8 administration)
Ideal for small theatres, event spaces, & outdoor screenings
For up to 300 people US$250.00 (+$8 administration)
Ideal for small cinemas, & event spaces
For above 300 people US$350 (+$8 administration)
Ideal for cinemas, big scale screenings

3 easy steps to host a screening for your community.
1. Fill up the form below and send.
2. Purchase your screening license from below.
3. Receive media kit, screening guide,
and film programme by email and online transfer.
Please purchase the one-time screening license at least 2 weeks prior to your screening event.
Time is needed to process your purchase, and transfering the material to you.
(Terms and Conditions for Online Sale of Goods)