Organising Red Dot Cinema screening anywhere in the world.
1. Find a venue, Be creative
you may consider.......

How to Organise a Screening
Listen to our stories, Share our values,
Discover a truly Asian experience.

Cafes & Bars Coworking spaces Museums Schools
Boutiques Your home Outdoor Rooftop
If you can find a free venue, bravo!
Red Dot Cinema can attract new crowds and bring customers to the venue.
Otherwise, work out an arrangement with the venue owner.
For example, the cafe can provide drinks and you can share the revenue with the cafe owner.
2. You just need simple equipment
Projector Screen/ White wall Speakers Seats
If the venue already has them, that's great.
Otherwise, borrow from friends, rental shops, or invest your own.
3. Fix a Date, Time, and Ticket Price
You may use Paypal, online ticketing platforms, or collect cash for the tickets.
4. Be creative......Include in your own content
Exhibition Performances Photo booth Food & Drinks
Local film short films Talk by film makers Discussion on the films
Once you have confirmed all the details for the screening event, give us all the information and images, so that we can setup an exclusive event page on Red Dot Cinema's website for publicity. (see example)
Please include date, time, venue address, venue access, program schedule, ticket prices, organiser's information and contact, how to register, and images of event posters, venue photos, organiser's logo, photos from past screenings. Please send to
5. Tell the whole world about Red Dot Cinema screening
You may consider......
Social media Event portal Event listing Printed media
Posters & Flyers Local film groups Friends & Families
Send out reminders from time to time and to attract more participants. In the announcements, You may introduce the films, the directors, show a trailer, add a synopsis, talk about the venue, who will be coming...... make it interesting.
5. On the big day........
Registration Party Introduce Red Dot Cinema Screening
Vote for your favorite Discussion More party
As a screening partner of Red Dot Cinema, we need your help to share the mission and vision of Red Dot Cinema, as well as everyone's support for our filmmakers and their works. This is how we are going to do it.
Encourage interaction among the participants
Give an introduction of Red Dot Cinema
After screening, have a discussion with the participants for their feedback and comment about the films
Conduct a voting for the audiences' favorite films
Encourage the participants to go to the event page to give comments and feedbacks to the filmmakers
After the screening, remember to send us photos, videos, the voting result, comments from the participants and from you.
Now you are ready to organise your own Red Dot Cinema screening.
A more detailed Screening Guide will be included in the media kit