-Drama (PG)
Director: Yuji Hariu
Country: Japan
Length: 7min 30secs
Language: Japanese
Subtitle: English
Completed date: 2013
An urban skateboarder lands on a manhole—a cultural artefact protected by a shadowy association—and takes an unexpected and possibly lethal penalty.
Director & Writer: Yuji Hariu
Producer: Han Sang-Keun
DP: Kazuhisa Maruyama
Editor & CG: Masaki Mizuno, Tomoyuki Kujirai, Satoru Kaneko
Cast: Junya Kasuga
Film Festival Awards:
2014 FLORIDA FILM FESTIVAL: Audience Award for Best International Short
About the filmmaker
Yuji Hariu / Writer & Director
Born 1984 in Okayama prefecture, Japan.
Started film making career in the creative department of MTV Networks Japan and joined P.I.C.S. since 2012. In 2014, received the Audience Award for Best International Short of the FLORIDA FILM FESTIVAL. In 2015, became one of the 3 candidates of the Sundance Institute/NHK Prize and joined a workshop. The work was the finalist of the prize. And the latest short film "DECEMBER 17" was selected in competition at the the 2016 Palm Springs International ShortFest.