Chess Players of Chinatown
Country: Singapore
Length: 8min 19sec
Language: English, Mandarin
Subtitle: English
Completed date: 2015
Have you watched Chinatown folks play Chinese chess and dum (local checkers)? The camaraderie is palpable, but for a reason. Often, they are elderly and the support network matters: “We look out for each other.” Elvin Gan visits them and tries to study under the tutelage of Uncle Boti and Uncle Yong! #sgmemory
Chinatown is an area in Singapore where the early Chinese immigrants from Southern parts of China lived and worked since the British rule in 1800s. Today, Chinatown remain an area with many Chinese traditional shops, restaurants, and a popular tourist attraction. It is also the residence of Singapore's many pioneer generation who had helped building the nation during their younger days. Now retired, a group of them gather frequently for a game of chess or two, as a way to pass time and stay in-touch with one anther.

About I Remember SG
irememberSG is the official companion blog to the portal by the Singapore Memory Project. The nation-wide Singapore Memory Project was started in 2011 to collect, preserve and provide access to memories and stories related to Singapore.
The goal of the Singapore Memory Project is to engage individuals, communities, groups or institutions who have formed memories and content about Singapore and would like to contribute them. This will build a culture of remembering which willnurture bonding and rootedness.
The Singapore Memory Project is a whole-of-nation collaborative initiative led by the Ministry of Communication and Information (MCI) and facilitated by the National Library Board, in partnership with other institutions such as local and overseas libraries, heritage agencies and research institutions. The Project is directed by a Steering Committee and managed by the Project’s Secretariat.