-Drama (PG13)
Director: Meldon Long
Country: Singapore
Length: 13mins 06secs
Language: English
Subtitle: English, Japanese
Completed date: 2015
School: Nanyang Academy of the
Fine Arts
Jimmy is a victim of early on-set schizophrenia. His symptoms started at the age of 7 where he believes that his imaginary friend, Isaac, was real and his parents mistook it as a normal child’s behaviour. He grew up suffering from a severe schizophrenia at his late teens/early adulthood due to not being treated.
The reality that he experienced cost him to suffer dearly.
Director, Writer: Meldon Long
Producer: Meldon Long & Gwendolyn Koh
DP: Adisatrya Johari & Jonathan Chan
Editor: Meldon Long
Cast: Vester Ng, Tan Xin Yi, Ivan Lo, Gina Wang
Film Festivals Appearances:
National Youth Film Awards
NAFA Best of Best Show 2015

About the filmmaker
Meldon Long, a Singapore based filmmaker inspired by visual artists around the world, implementing skills picked up along his journey. Always having a hunger to learn and explore different techniques and styles in filmmaking.