- Drama
Director: Shogo Ogawa
Country: Japan
Length: 19min 55s
Language: English
Subtitle: English, Japanese
Completed date: 2013
A very typical Japanese Samurai drama turned into an English muscial. A comedy about the story of a Ronin, his lover, and bad ass government officials.
Director: Shogo Ogawa
DP: Shinsaku Morita
Cast: Shigeki Maekawa, Tomomi Nishimura, Masanori Goto
Film Festival Awards
New Director Film Festival Short Film Category Grand Prix
Fukuoka Independent Film Festival
Film Festival Appearance
Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival
Himeji International Short Film Festival
And thers
Director's message:
This film is my attempt to present the very traditional Samurai drama of Japan,
in the form of comedy musical. I hope you will enjoy it.

Ablut the director
Born in 1978 at Yoichi in Hokkaido, Ogawa learned about the creative industry by working on a mobile content and scial game development company. In 2009, he quited being a salaryman and ventured into the path of filmmaking that he has been dreaming about.
in 2013, he made "SAMUAI OPERA", a short film in the form of samurai drama musical with a twist, and it has been awarded and officially selected by 13 film festivals.