The Animals (PG)
-Animation, Stop motion
Director: Mark Wee
Length: 6min 18secs
Language: -
Subtitle: -
Completed date: 2014
School: School of Art Design and Media, NTU
Influenced by the German Expressionist movement of the early 1900s and the silhouette animated films by Lotte Reiniger, The Animals is a paper cut-out stop-motion animation that is adapted from the life of Joseph Merrick, the historically famed Elephant Man who walked the streets of Victorian England, exhibiting himself in freak shows. Abused and despised by society for his horrific appearance, Merrick is at his wit’s end when things take a serendipitous turn.
Film Festival Awards
NONSTOP Barcelona Animació Festival, (Spain) Won – Best Student Short
18th International Festival of Animation ANIMAEVKA, Mogilev (Belarus) - Diploma
Film Festivals Appearances:
Cartoons Underground 2014 (Singapore) Screened
Short of the Month - December Festival (Mumbai, India) Official Selection
International Audiovisual Festival (FIAFest Colombia) Official Selection
Animex Awards (UK), Official Selection
Original Narrative (Dubai), Official Selection
Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes Shorty Week (Shorty Week Film Fest)
(Spain) Official Selection
Festival Parachute Light Zero Act II (Association Concept Artgentin, Paris)
Official Selection
2° PROCESO DE ERROR, 2nd International Festival of Experimental Video (Chile)
Official Selection
Athens Animfest 2015 (Greece) Official Selection
Naturman, III International Film Festival of Nature and Man of La Laguna (Spain) Official Selection
VII Intravenous University Film Festival (Colombia) Official Selection

About the filmmaker
Mark Wee is an aspiring animation filmmaker who loves creating, designing and watching all forms of animated films; 2D, 3D and Stop-motion – especially Stop-motion.
He hopes to discover the endless possibilities of storytelling through animated films and strives to be able to tell that one, universal story through animation.
Mark graduated in 2014 with a BFA from the Nanyang Technological University, School of Art, Design and Media in Singapore. He is now pursuing a Masters in Animation Arts.