Sunshine (PG13)
-Drama, Comedy
Director: Jacky Lee
Length: 15min 50secs
Language: English
Subtitle: English
Completed date: 2013
A geeky young man prepares for his upcoming driving test by driving his father’s taxi around in the neighbourhood nightly.
Like many guys his age, he believes that a driving license will help him attract the opposite sex. His dream, or you can say nightmare, came true when he was forced to pick up a runaway teenage girl as his passenger.
Together, these two strangers embark on an unforgettable journey of magic and terror, laying the foundation of a potential friendship along the way.
Director, Writer: Jacky Lee
Producer: Andy Zeng
DP: Sng Yexiang
Editor: Jacky Lee
Cast: Linda Hao, Joshua Lim
Director's message:
“Sunshine” really came about after I found myself questioning myself what kind of
films do I want to make? I found myself watching a lot of coming-of-age films and
that I could really relate to what the characters were feeling. There is something
very charming yet unpredictable about the process of growing up (especially from
15-25 years old) that I really want to capture on film.
Loneliness is also something that fascinates me. Who are lonely? Is a person never
lonely if he/she has a lot of friends? Are lonely people all the same? Is it a personal
issue or is it a result of how our society is? Nowadays, everyone has a mobile phone. Everyone is easily contactable. We no longer need to memories our friends’ phone number. Does that make us more complacent when it comes to friendship since everyone is a click away?
I feel that anyone can be lonely. It does not matter if you have a few friends or an army of them. It is only during times that one is alone that he/she realises if he/she is a lonely person. It happens to everyone.
All these are issues that shaped “Sunshine”. They are the reasons to why I wrote the film. Why the two characters are so different. Why the film is set in the middle of the night when everything is quiet. Why the girl is always seen in different outfits.
The film will probably ask more questions than answer anything but isn’t that how life is?
Film Festival Awards:
Best Sound – 5th Singapore Short Film Awards (2014)
Silver Remi Award – 47th WorldFest-Houston International Film Festival (2014)
Film Festivals Appearances:
Official Selection – 3rd Unofficial Google+ Film Festival (2013)
Official Selection – Asian International Competition: Short Shorts Film Festival
& Asia (2014)

About the filmmaker
Jacky Lee, 31, is a Singaporean filmmaker. He graduated in 2010 from Swinburne Institute of Technology with a B.A. in Film & Television. His films are often visually vibrant with colourful characters, a catchy soundtrack and offbeat humour.
Jacky’s latest short film Sunshine was an official selection at the Unofficial Google+ Film Festival 2013 and Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia 2014. It was also awarded the Silver Remi Award at the 47th WorldFest-Houston International Film Festival and Best Sound at the 5th Singapore Short Film Awards.
Jacky’s love for film began at age 17 after watching Wong Kar Wai’s Chungking Express while in design school. The film’s raw energy and charm captivated him and opened his eyes to the wide range of possibilities of the film medium.