- Drama (PG)
Director: Nick Norman-Butler
Country: Japan
Length: 6min 47sec
Language: Japanese
Subtitle: English
Completed date: 2016
‘Tomoko' is based on a true story from Japan in which a homeless woman shared an apartment with a rich businessman for a year, without his knowledge. It shows how rich and poor can exist in close proximity yet never meet.
Director: Nick Norman-Butler
Writer: Nick Norman-Butler
Producer: Louise Palmkvist, Paula Crickard
DP: Ewan Mulligan
Editor: Nadeem Khan
Cast: Dai Tabuchi, Masayo Aizawa
Film Festivals Appearances:
The Shortest Nights (UK)
Director's statement:
Tomoko is inspired by a newspaper article from Japan written in 2008 that described how a homeless woman shared an apartment with a wealthy businessman for over a year without his knowledge. Nor was this an isolated event as several more cases were reported at the time in Tokyo and Fukuoka.
The film takes an experimental approach to explore the themes in this story of inequality and social isolation and plays with several ideas: Why did Tomoko choose this man’s apartment? How did she manage to remain undetected on a daily basis? Who was the male owner of the flat and most interestingly: did he know she was there all along but pretend to be ignorant?
For Director Nick Norman-Butler, who is branching out from a career in documentaries, this last point is the most telling. The two characters in Tomoko could live well together: there is enough space in the apartment and they are both lonely but their fear of each other keeps them apart even under close proximity.

About the filmmaker
British Director Nick Norman-Butler’s background is in current affairs and journalism. Over the last two years he filmed and directed four documentaries about the narcotics industry in the USA, casting real drug dealers as the main characters for the most popular show on National Geographic, 'Drugs Inc'. At the time of broadcast, the first of these four films, 'Cokeland' (shown in series 5) received the highest 'Drugs Inc' episode ratings of all time. National Geographic submitted Nick's follow up 'Flesh-Eating Krokodil', (series 6) a film about the new, highly toxic opiate from Russia into the 2015 Emmys.